In ‘The Eloge de la Creolité’ (1989) - "In Praise of Creoleness”
Bernabé, Chamoiseau & Confiant, object to the concept of Negritude (1930's Cesaire et al.) and instead offer the concept of Creolité. They instead “attempt to redefine Caribbean culture through the language, folkways and diverse populations.”
Creolité 2.0
therefore aims to ignite conversations around the concept of our Antillean peoples as ‘Creole’, and the dynamic interplay and tensions between the literary term and theses on Creolization and Hybridization of our collective identity.
This exhibition marks the end of a thought-provoking 12 month visual discourse over 2 exhibitions & conversations.
Join the conversation, DM us on Instagram @vetivert_inc .

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